You can’t & you won’t

Man!  And women too (#feminist) 🙂 !  I’m not even sure where to start on this one.  Why are people constantly fed lies?  People are constantly being told what they can’t do, what they can’t have and what they can’t achieve.

A lot of times, people even talk to themselves like that.  This is the biggest form of self-sabotage out there.  If you change how you think and how you react to criticism you can do powerful things!  I posted about a book in my Rip/Mind section and have been reading a piece from that book every single day.  It’s called The Secret and it’s wonderful.  One simple concept in there they talk about is put very simply.  “Thoughts become things.”

The thoughts you have, or the thoughts of others can be your reality if you let them.  It’s important to shift your thoughts into the things and goals that you DO want.  To me and to most, this is something that starts at an early age unfortunately. I have countless experiences being told something was impossible or something could not be done.  This isn’t sending the right message to our children or our younger generation.  I hate being told I can’t do something.  Right now in my life, it’s something that pushes me even harder.  It fuels me.  I use that fire to prove that I can do it, that is if I want it.

I am here to say that you can do anything you want.  If you can think it, you can do it.  And if you look at your goals and your life like that, I promise (PROMISE!!!) you will achieve success along the way.  Our mind is our most powerful muscle and asset in our life.  Change your thought patterns and let’s get to work!

Below are lies I’ve been told and you know what?  Not a single one of them stopped me!

***Insert Lightning bolt emoji***

How you talk to yourself matters.  Your dreams matter.  Your goals matter.  Anything is possible.

A very small example is I remember being told to always expect to have a house payment or rent and a car payment forever.  It’s just part of bills, being an adult and growing up.  Well I can happily say I remembered that and haven’t had a car payment in 4 years!  I was determined to pay off the car early and keep the car I had to save money.  Like I said, a very small example but an example nonetheless!

When I was in grade school, playing shirts and skins (hated being skins!). I was made fun of so much.  I can still hear the kids tormenting me in my head.  Scrawny. Girly.  Puny. Weak. “You will never have muscle fag.” Goes one kid.  Now I’m 200 lbs. and 6’2”.  Years and years of dedication and the flashbacks of several of these instances motivated me beyond belief.

In 8th grade when someone told me I was put in the 800-meter dash because they needed a spot filled and that I would probably get last.  I think back now and am like damn, kids are mean!  I showed that person what’s up and did the race and ended up getting 3rd.  I about passed out at the end, but I did get 3rd and was out to prove that kid and the school wrong.  I didn’t pace myself appropriately for the race because I started out too fast, hence the passing out piece, but I didn’t care.  I was too stubbornly determined to dominate the best I could.  I was hell bent on at least not getting last and give it my all even if I was just a stand in.  

 At my previous job, I couldn’t advance, move up or get a raise without a masters or PhD.  I was told I wasn’t educated enough and would have to do grunt work for the rest of my career.  Essentially all of the stuff no one wanted to do because they were all doctors or had a higher-level degree than I did.  I literally busted my ass, put a ton of miles on my car and asked for at least a raise.  They gave me 1% which was $9 a paycheck and in that moment,  I knew it was time to get the f*** out of there.  I felt extremely under valued.  My old boss told me he thought I would be good at sales.  So I took his advice, found a sales job, exceeded the position and now I earn a better financial living than my boss from 6 years ago because I worked my ass off.  This is such a rewarding feeling to look back at where I started and how far I’ve come.  Side note, my old boss was just that.  He was a boss.  He was ‘better’ than everyone.  He wasn’t a leader and didn’t know how to run a team.  Sometime you don’t know how bad a situation was until you are in a much better one.

You won’t give up drinking.  You can’t do that. That’s impossible!  It’s part of your lifestyle, your identity, and it’s necessary for fun.  Now I’m almost 4 years sobers – BOOM!  To date, this is my proudest and toughest accomplishment.  But hey, things that are amazing, don’t come easy.  They just don’t.

You will be paying on your student loans until you’re dead!  Well, I graduated with a huge financial debt of $75,000 and didn’t have a great paying job immediately.  I can proudly say that at the age of 33 and 10 years since I graduated, I made my last payment of student loans in January 2020 and became student debt free.  No debt feels so damn good and so freeing I can’t even describe how I feel!  When I made my last payment, I cried.  I have not felt joy and relief like that in awhile.

 This isn’t a post to talk about my accomplishments.   This post is about mindset and grit.  When someone tells you that you CAN’T do something or this is what your expectations should be, tell them to F*** off!  Better yet, say nothing and then prove them wrong.  Don’t believe the words you are told and the doubts others project onto you.  It’s just that, they are projecting their insecurities and their lack of skill or will.

Anything is possible.  I truly believe that and the example above shows you that I believe that because at one point, all these accomplishments felt impossible.  You can win at anything you do and if you believe that and believe in yourself – ANY MOTHA F***ING THING IS POSSIBLE MY FRIENDS!!!!

Thanks for checking out my blog and following along!  I would love for you all to subscribe to my YouTube Channel as well in the link below.  New videos and content come every week.  In these videos, I stick to what I know and what I am good at and it’s ALL positive content.

What is something you’ve accomplished that you were originally told was something you couldn’t do?

Call to action:  find pictures of your FUTURE.  Look for things you want to accomplish, goals and things that are important to you.  Cut them out and paste them on a board – This is your VISION board!  Put it somewhere that you can see it and create habits and do things daily that lead you one small step to reaching these things that are important to you.  It is fun and exciting to watch these come to life…