Top Five Fit-Tips of All Time

Writing about this topic brings me pure joy – I love it!  Before I dive right in, remember I am a firm believer in building habits and a lifestyle.  It should be something that brings you health, happiness, and sustainability.  Quick fixes, crash diets, pills etc. do not make results come quicker or stick around longer.  It just does not work like that.  Before getting overwhelmed, start slow and continue to add one change at a time.  Do not move on to the next change until you have built in the habit.

 This blog is my favorite FIVE FIT TIPS of ALL TIME!  Now if I have to be completely honest, I used the phrase FIT TIPS because it has a nice, easy ring to it.  In reality, these are tips for wellness, fitness, mental health and for a more well-rounded, happier, self.  These are my favorite things that keep me in great shape mentally, physically and also consistent.  Without any one of them, I would not achieve the success that I find.  Let’s dive right in!

“A lifestyle change begins with a vision and one single step.”

  Tip #1:  My Morning Ritual

I’ve said it once and will say it again, how you start and prepare for your day is CRUCIAL!  It’s so important to wake up early enough to prepare for your day.  To me, this means writing in my vision book, expressing gratitude, meditating, being disconnected from all technology and exercising.  These activities help me start my day on the right foot.  It helps me get in the right mindset, stay focused, be happier and more energized so I can win the day.

I’ve made a YouTube video on my morning routine as well!  Check it out here:

What are you going to add to your morning routine???  Write it down and make a plan!

 Tip #2:  A Long-term Mindset

 When I think of goals, I think of the steps necessary to get there.  You can really relate this to anything really.  You must think long term.  Let me give some examples, when I’m working out in the gym and I want to work on a specific muscle to grow, I think that I need to come in and consistently work that muscle a few times / week for a long ass time.  It won’t change in one workout, two workouts, or six workouts, it will change through consistency and long-term commitment.  I will get comments on my legs and how I’ve built them up and to be honest, it’s from doing leg day 2-3 times/week for YEARS while having a good nutrition plan.  Things take time.  Let’s use money and saving as another example.  Let’s say you want to have $50,000 in your savings.  It won’t magically appear in your account after a few times.  It requires consistently putting deposit after deposit after deposit of your paychecks into savings.  It’s the behaviors and the discipline that will get you there but only after you have done a ton of reps.

 Short term success isn’t a thing.  Think long term.

 Tip #3:  Intermittent Fasting

If you’ve followed me for a while you know that I love this technique!  I don’t fast for days or weeks, it’s not extreme but I do partake in intermittent fasting.  This is where I eat for 8 hours in the day and fast for 16 hours (some of which is sleeping).  If you want the details on IF a little more in depth, check out my YouTube video on it & don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!:

 A few specific things I love about IF:

1.     Having more energy

2.     It allows me to be a little more flexible with my diet

3.     Helps me to stay lean

Timing can be everyone.  One small change can make all the difference.

 Tip #4:  Sober & Alcohol Free

 This should come to no shock to anyone.  Tip #4 has been crucial and the most important piece to every single part of my success.  It was holding me back.  Now, if alcohol isn’t something that holds you back, what is?  Maybe it’s being comfortable?  Other’s influence?  Whatever it is evaluate!  We often think of things we need to do to achieve XXX.  Sometimes it’s not what we need to do, it’s what we need to stop doing.  For me, drinking held me back from my full potential.  It hurt my finances, it hurt my fitness goals, it hurt my mindset, it hurt my profession and personal growth and once I gave it up, I felt like I could do anything.  The clarity and drive grew and so did every avenue of my life.

 Now how does this relate more to being fit and healthy?   Well that’s easy!  First, alcohol is loaded with empty calories.  It causes you to retain water, makes your mind fuzzy, could stop you from your workouts, make you eat convenient or unhealthy etc.  It can cause a downward spiral effect.  If you don’t have an issue with it thats great (I’m actually a little jealous ;))!  It will still help to be mindful of it, limit it or do an alcohol detox.  I. can assure you; the results will come AND they will come quicker too.

 Here is another video I wanted to share.  Here are 5 things I noticed when I gave up alcohol:

Tip #5:  Sleep

 My last pro tip is sleep.  Sleep does wonders for your mental clarity, mood, muscle recovery, skin, anxiety….really everything!  This for me is a nonnegotiable.  I must have good sleep every night and I make sure I get it and most of the time I do.  Just like your cell phone, you must recharge your mind and body and sleep is the best way to do that.  Everyone needs a different amount of sleep.  My sweet spot tends to be in the 7-8-hour range.  I am also a big weekend napper.  After lunch and after my food digests, I might lay down for a little bit.  A power nap of 20-30 minutes does my body (and soul) good!

 There are great ways to get your body and mind prepared for sleep.  I love taking my calm magnesium supplement, meditating or taking salt bath in the evening to relax.  Try something to namaste your mind.

 Hope you enjoyed this post!  Being health and achieving goals is a lifestyle.  My ending tips are once again to take it one small change at a time and make the changes sustainable.  One small ripple.  Anyone can do something for short term but to create a lifestyle you must see the bigger picture.

I have also created this as a YouTube video and get more in depth!  You can check it out here.  Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for updated content every week!

Take care friends.  Stay tuned for more content coming your way!  Don’t forget to subscribe to my email list on the home page.

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