My Ultimate Skincare Guide

Skincare is as part of my routine as anything else.  Eating right, exercise, work etc.  It fits right in.  If you want glowing skin results, I am here to help you and share my favorite secrets!

With that said, I first must admit a few things.  To get results it takes TIME.  Just as anything good does.  You can’t snap your fingers and have things.  If you overcome this mentality, I am confident you will achieve more.  Success in things is a marathon built off consistent habits.

Second, I will say, this needs to be a routine.  Something you do 90% of the time, if not all the time.  That is how you achieve great results!  Not perfection but building it into your everyday new and improved lifestyle.

“Celebrate progress,

not perfection.”

Now with all that said, let’s get started on tips on how I achieve the ultimate skin results!  


Drinking more water will help your skin – promise!  You need to hydrate your skin internally and being hydrated will give you that extra glow.  Want to take it to the next level?  Add some lemon!  The vitamin C in lemon will help as well and rest assured, I have my hot lemon water every single morning before my coffee.  I am so built into this habit as I write this blog at my parents over Christmas, I actually packed my own lemons to ensure I have it every morning.

I remember back in my drinking days when my skin looked it’s worse was after a post drinking binge when I was tired, very dehydrated and bloated AF.  Tons of water is great for the skin.  Promise.  Your body (and your skin) NEEDS it.


This may seem like a no brainer but get that body moving!  When you exercise you get your blood flowing and it helps you to glow from the inside out.  Want to next level this one, hop in the sauna or steam room post workout at your gym.  This is something I do to help open up my pores and sweat that shiz right out.  

This reminds me of a Youtube video I shot that shows my daily routine and it’s crazy to notice a difference in my skin (and energy) post workout in the video.  Check it out here (also subscribe to that channel if you haven’t already. 🙂

Internal Care vs. External Care

OMG!  Both of these are super important.   What you put in your body and what you put on your skin are critical to success.  For your benefit, I am going to share 2 of my favorite products I use every day to help with my skin and by golly – I SWEAR by them!   PS will never use the word by golly again 😉

The first is the skin care regimen I use on my face.  The company is called GM Revolution and it’s an incredible product!  Not to mention, they have an awesome mission statement and that is what really drew me in!

GM Revolution “is for the man who is constantly chasing dreams.”

I’m a huge fan of the Signature collection because it has EVERYTHING you need.  Skin care is more than washing your face with a cleanser.  Moisturizing, anti-aging/wrinkles and texture are just as important, and the signature collection has it all!  

Use code: SAMUEL for 20% off!   Here is the link to the website:

The purifying mask from GM revolution!  1 of 5 parts to the “Signature Collection.”

I love the cleanser; I love the mask and I LOVE the hyaluronic acid.  After I use this regimen every evening, my skin is smooth and feeling so good.  I highly recommend it.  As with anything, consistency is key.  I wash my face every night with this product and follow the steps and it has worked wonder on my skin.  Yes, I even muster up the energy to wash my face when I’m dead tired because I know I need to.

Thank you GM Revolution!  You are really making my skin GLOW AF!!! Once again, here is the link to their website.  Signature collection is where it’s at!

Vital Proteins – OMGGGGGGGGGG

If you follow me on Instagram (@samuelgegen) you see me post about this stuff a ton.  I love it!  Side note: So does Ms. Jennifer Aniston aka my soul sister. Well, at least she is to me.  She on the other hand doesn’t know I exist. 🙂 I use this product at least twice a day.  I love to mix it in with my oatmeal, have one of the waters or mixers as an afternoon snack or slam one of their recovery drinks.  Collagen is skin.  Collagen is youth.  Collagen is recovery.  It’s so many things!  

Collagen is such a prevalent protein in the body, we need it.  It’s on the rise in popularity because of it’s massive benefits.  The reason I love Vital proteins is because they ship that shiz quick, have such a variety of products that fits everyone’s needs, tastes amazing and the most important reason…it works for me!

I’ve noticed a big difference in my skin, my joints and muscles since using it and I will 1000% be a LIFELONG customer.  If you are interested in the product, please order through the link below.  They are doing some great specials right now on shipping!

The Matcha Collagen!!!

Mixes well with water and has a little caffeine for an energy boost!!! 

Stop Eating Crap

When you eat good, you feel good, you look good.  This is so TRUE!  And every time I eat bad, I remember the above statement.  I’ve experimented a lot with different techniques and worked really hard to understand my body more and more over the years.  

If it’s out there.  I’ve done it.  Not everything works but a solid diet can help your skin.  Just remember, the skin appears healthy when we are healthy on the inside.  When someone is sick, their skin looks dull, pale and not well.  When you exercise and eat right you have a natural glow.  

I’ve found a few of my favorite techniques that work for me is not eat a ton of dairy, gluten or sugar.  If you read about dairy, it’s one of the WORST things for your skin.  I’m sure it also comes to no surprise that too much sugar can do damage to your skin as well.  Keep this in moderation and eliminate it from your diet when you can.  

One of my other rules of thumbs is to eat a non-starchy vegetable with every meal.  The more variety of color the better!  Red and yellow peppers, broccoli, spinach, carrots...mix it up!!!  The antioxidants and nutrients in these veggies can help with your skin, nourish it and glow.   


Have you ever heard, you are what you eat?  Well, there is truth to that for sure!  Pay attention to how your body responds to certain things and this in itself could help solve some of your wellness issues or goals.

I really loved writing this post!!! I have become very passionate about skincare and truth be told, I only do things that work and offer results.  Period.  End of story.

I absolutely love the 2 products in this post and other key elements such as drinking water and eating right are crucial for healthy skin.

BONUS TIP:  Good sleep can work wonders for your skin!  Make sure you are getting plenty of rest and making sleep a priority.  Find ways to wind down from the day, relieve stress and make sure you are getting the rest you need so your body can repair.

Thank you for checking out my blog and please let me know what you think of the products after you try them out!! Always love and welcome feedback as well!! Email me anytime at

Thank you and make a great day or night whenever you are reading this! 🙂

This post contains affiliate links. When you buy through these links, I earn an affiliate commission, but this has nothing to do with my opinion of the products.