Goals!! We all have them. Some of are simple and some are complex. I’ve been wanting to write about goal setting and achievement for awhile and here we are. When someone wants to set out to do something there are several ways you can actually increase your chances of achieving it. A plan for anything is always helpful. The “winging it” method just doesn’t work. If you can find ways to sprinkle in some strategy, process and actually stick with it, it can be really life-changing.

I’ve achieved a thing or two in my day and have ready numerous books, watched so many Youtubes and listened to podcasts and all in the realm of goal setting, habits, success and wellness. Here’s what I gathered in a nutshell. Success = being consistent for a very long time. I mean, that’s really it!

To add to that bit of consistency, if you are strategic with how you operate, your consistency will pay off sooner and yield better results. In much of my research and experience, there are a couple reasons why people don’t achieve their goals.

First, they don’t pick the right goals. What I mean by that is they haven’t thought about the goal or they don’t really want the goal. It might be for someone else or often based on what society tells them their goals should be. This doesn’t mean you can’t achieve that goal, it just means that when you do, it might not bring you happiness or fulfillment.

The second reason is they just don’t know where to start. Accomplishing a goal should follow a specific process and you, as the goal setter, needs to own the goal and the process. People tend to focus most on the end result rather than the steps to get there. **PSA: the steps are the most important part**

I’ve developed a goal setting framework that has been proven to work. Through lots of research, implementation and case studies, this process can help you get on the right path. I will not be discussing this today as I have a program that people go through it with me and you can find out more about that by emailing me at info@samuelgegen.com. In this program, there is a presentation, ebook and community for support. We also meet twice/month virtually. If you prefer to DM me on instagram or facebook about this course, feel free to do so and I’m happy to discuss it with you!

Now back to goal setting and achievement. I am going to get you on the right path to success with your goals. What is the most important piece to achieving your goal? Well that’s simple!! Notice I said simple, not easy. The most important piece to achieving your goal is to pick the right goal. Let’s start there and let me give you the start of the process to get off on the right foot.

Step one of my goal setting framework: Pick a PURPOSE DRIVEN Goal

So as you are on your own individual journey, there has to be things you want to achieve. The best possible chances of achieving what YOU want is if you have a deep rooted why and a deep rooted reason for achieving XYZ. Your goals should be personal. Your goals should be so important to you that you don’t compromise on them when things get tough because REALITY, they do get tough.

Personally, when I think back about a lot of the WHY’s correlated to my goals, they go so deep. Even some of them back to childhood trauma. Now when it comes to trauma and past experiences, I 10000% recommend therapy. Life changing.

But anyways, how you can accomplish your goal is to set one that has a purpose. One that you think about a lot or have meditated on or visualized. Those are the goals meant for you to achieve. They should be important to you and to no one else. Don’t let an outside force f*** up you goals because you are jumping back into people pleasing. These goals are for YOU for the taking!

As you set your purpose driven goal, you should think about the WHY. Why are you wanting to achieve this? Let me provide you an example.

Goal: I want to lose 25 pounds. (This is great because it’s a measurable goal btw! More to come on that).

Next step: Why do I want to lose 25 pounds?

Answer: To feel better in my own skin. To fit better in my clothes. To sleep better, move better and live a healthier, longer life.

So as you ask the question of WHY, you find your actual purpose. Remember the purpose is the driving force to accomplishing your goal.

Last tip is it should be measurable. Go practice those SMART goals we all learned about in elementary school. Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound. There is a lot about that implemented into my goal setting framework (email me for more info info@samuelgegen.com or slide in those DMs)

I’ll leave you with this. Life gets REALLY good when you take ownership of it and set out to get what you want. If you think life just happens to you, I challenge you to change your mindset and take control!

Hope you enjoyed this blog and work to dominate the F out of all your goals and your dreams. It’s totally possible. If you did like this blog, please share, comment or message me.

