How to break addictions (and get your life back!)

Addictions are stigmatized beyond belief.  It’s so important to remember that everyone is different and different things work for different people.  I am beyond excited about this blog post because I am here to share with you all some tips on how you can break those addictions.

People respond to different things and techniques.  Among some research and on top of what worked for me, this is how this blog post was born.

Addictions take many forms.  In the reality, most people are addicted to something.  I had my issues with alcohol and used that as a way to escape life and reality and cover up the pain.  Now being alcohol free for almost 5 years, I have learned so many things and have become addicted to feeling good.   You could be addicted to worse things!  Simply not having a hangover and thinking about all the things that I have gained truly keeps me sober.  And I am extremely grateful!

Disclosure: I am not a doctor nor claim to be, but I do know a lot about this area and what you need to overcome addiction and live a sober, beautiful lifestyle.  I have faced many challenges and have punched them in the mouth.  This post is dedicated to helping you overcome these addictions and live a life you truly start to thrive in.  This life is meant to be fulfilling and happy and accomplishing this can help lead you one step closer to that!

Second disclosure:  change is not easy.  It’s difficult to change and relearn past behaviors that are embedded in us.  It takes discipline and practice, but it can be done.  If you believe it, you can achieve it!  I’m a firm believer (and go look at all the other experts out there) in making small, incremental changes.  That is what truly leads to huge, sustainable success over time.  The small things become the big things. 

To start, first you must evaluate if you have an addiction and then second you need to make small changes that help you move forward to your newfound lifestyle and the newfound person you strive to be.

Before I continue to hit this topic any harder, let's just dive right in.  Better yet! I made a video that encompasses it all and goes much more into depth.  I have included it in this blog and would love for you to check it out and leave a comment.  If you like my content, make sure to subscribe to my channel for consistent value brought to you.

How to break addictions (in a nutshell):

  • 1. Honesty
  • 2. Surround yourself with the right people that fit your future
  • 3. Invest in healthier habits
  • 4. Fix problems on the inside
  • 5. Meditate & Visualize
  • 6. Reduce Cravings
  • Breaking your addiction, just like anything else, is a journey.  It can be super challenging but also the most rewarding thing you do!  I failed several times before I got it right but when I DID get it RIGHT, it was because I was ready to finally take that step and was so tired of not living my truth.  I was so tired of being ‘sick and tired’ as they say and when that day came I finally said YES to Sam.

    Remember, all of this requires constant work and takes some time. You won't be the expert at it from the get go but with constant discipline and consistency it can be done and it will get easier!

    Hope you found value in this blog and if you have any questions or comments feel free to email me:

    If you are interested in joining my EXCLUSIVE master class, please check out this link!  We are a group of people led by me, focused on changing our lives, one habit at a time.  You can also email me with any questions.  Would love to get a phone call and help you figure out if it’s the right fit for you. I mean, what are you waiting for to CHANGE your life?