2016 Election Rock bottom to 2020 Freedom – Celebrating 4 years sober!

There are not enough words to express this.

Grateful.  Empowered.  Life-altering.  Strength.  Man on a mission.

4 years ago, I had my last drink.  My last binge.  My last alcohol induced, uncontrollable bender with vodka and fireball hitting an empty stomach for breakfast lunch and dinner.  I can’t believe it!!  Now, even saying THOSE words just doesn’t sit right with me.  I can’t imagine having that type of life now, nor do I want that type of life.  I am so grateful.  I am here to help inspire others struggling to do the same and be the voice for many who feels the only way to fit in is through a stereotype.  Fit a mold that society has put on the LGBTQ, the addicts or anyone that is fitting the norm rather than living up to their authenticity.  I am here for you.  Join me.

I have also made a YouTube video around this topic and would love for you to check it out here!  If you enjoy my topics and motivating enthusiasm,  make sure to subscribe to my channel!

The only way from the bottom is up

If you are feeling lost or stagnant or depressed or in a viscous cycle, I feel you.   I’ve been there too many times.  I remember my rock bottom weekend very clearly.  It was a few days post 2016 election and there was dark cloud over America and over me.  It felt like the worst, depressing hangover ever.

I’ve developed horrible habits and my reliance on alcohol was becoming a necessity.  A need to cope, a need to socialize and a need to function.  It was miserable.  I’ve admitted to myself that drinking was an issue many times.  I was so miserable and allowed myself to condone these self-destructive behaviors.

That was until I became tired.  I became tired of having to pick up the pieces, I became tired of disappointing others including myself and I became tired of being unmotivated, depressed and unwilling to reach my potential. This was it!  I had enough and wanted to build something better for me.  A better life.

My last drink was November 13, 2016.

I was committed.  I was committing to myself for the FIRST time to take all the steps necessary to make this happen.   It was do or die, literally.  I’ve tried so hard many times and for many years to quit drinking and I was DONE.  I have hit rock bottom for the last time, and I was sick and tired of feeling like sh*t essentially 5 out of 7 days of the week.

Time to turn the page on a new chapter.

With that said, I want to use this opportunity as a reminder.  YOU turn the page.  YOU create the life you want.  YOU can create a different life.  YOU can kick nasty habits.  YOU can overcome challenges.  No one said it was easy but damn it’s rewarding.

Challenges are inevitable

Life challenges are GOING to happen no matter what route you take in life.  Obviously, getting sober has challenges in itself but doesn’t everything?  It’s about perspective.  To me, thinking about the challenges faced from having an alcohol addiction to the challenges faced from getting sober, I’ll take getting sober everyday all day because the life reward is that much greater.  Big sacrifice, big reward.

Some of the initial challenges I faced were isolation and having to rebuild my life and my habits.  When I quit drinking, I went into complete isolation mode.  It was lonely and redundant but VERY necessary.  Also, while being alone with yourself and your own thoughts you learn a lot about what you want, what scares you and how to be at peace with the biggest constant in your life – yourself.   Even though this time around was super tough I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  It made me stronger and it was key for me in getting sober.  I really focused on getting better at my job, my fitness goals, reading and learning more and all things self-improvement (which now, I am ecstatic to share with you all. ;))

As far as rebuilding my life, as with anything great, it takes time.  I had to find different places to hang out, different activities to do and surround myself with different people.  

The rewards received are hard to put into words

I’m not sure where to start.   When you give up your demons, whatever it is, life gets really f***ing good!  I’ll tell you that much.  Your demons can be whatever is holding you back.  It doesn’t have to be drinking that’s just what it was for me.  Drinking was a priority.  It affected all avenues of my life and when I drank, NOTHING else mattered.  People didn’t matter, work didn’t matter, Sam didn’t matter.  

When I got sober, it gave me back control over my life.  Control that I never thought I would have.  This control helped me in so many ways.  I started to reach my fitness goals I’ve wanted for years, my financial goals that were on my vision board, build better relationships and the human connection that I longed for.  An easy way for me to personally stay sober is to think of all the beautiful things it has given me.  For that, I am extremely grateful.

I will continue to glorify sobriety – this is not negotiable

Being sober is the SH*T!  Let me say that one more time – BEING SOBER IS SH*T!!!  And don’t let anyone tell you differently.  The stigma around addiction and sobriety allows people to be ostracized for making this huge life commitment.  A life commitment that ultimately has a huge positive effect on someone’s life.  The reality is yes, it’s very difficult to achieve, but there is no bad stigma or negative association with sobriety.  Period.  I am here to help rewrite that for future sober individuals and friends.  

Sobriety is awesome and worth the work.  To be honest, I can’t imagine a life without it now.

If I had to sum up Sobriety in one word it would be simple.  Freedom.  

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post and make sure to subscribe to my email list for updates and free content! 

You can also find me on my YouTube channel.  Lots of content on there that is updated weekly!