How to ensure you achieve your goals

Goals!! We all have them. Some of are simple and some are complex. I've been wanting to write about goal setting and achievement for awhile and here we

5 ways to get out of a FUNK

We've all been there. Deep in FUNKY town. And no, not the good funky town. The funk where it's so hard to get out of. The

There is space for everyone

These last couple years, many people have been wondering: "Where do I fit in?" There are a lot of disagreements and issues happening right now but one thing we can

Healthy Habits Saved My Life

I'm obsessed with wellness and good habits. It's not a trend, it's a lifestyle.  It's engrained in me so much that I think nothing of it. It just comes naturally. 

How to break addictions (and get your life back!)

How to break addictions (and get your life back!) Addictions are stigmatized beyond belief.  It’s so important to remember that everyone is different and different things work for different people.  I
Growth Mindset Tips

Growth Mindset Tips

Growth Mindset Tips (How a growth mindset can help you beat addiction) The name of the lifelong game?  For me, it’s to always be growing.  First, I will say that growth

Benefits of Fitness in Sobriety

Benefits of Fitness in SobrietyFirst, I want to say I am grateful for ALL OF YOU!  Thanks for reading and coming back.  I appreciate it and I am here to

Health Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

Health Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol Here is what I discovered!Phew!  So, we all know the drill.  We all know the story, at least I think you do if you followed

Self Care is Non-Negotiable

Self Care is Non-Negotiable Taking care of oneself should be a #1 priority!   Often times, it does get neglected.  If you take care of yourself, you can take care of others. 

Redefining Sobriety

Redefining SobrietyHello all!I have been thinking A LOT about this topic. The negative connotations. The weird looks and comments. The unfair stereotypes around sobriety and addiction. How society can set