We’ve all been there. Deep in FUNKY town. And no, not the good funky town. The funk where it’s so hard to get out of. The funk that has us questioning “What are we doing with our lives?” or “What is our purpose?” or even a funk that gives us the will to do nothing but Neflix and pizza our days away.

Sound familiar, right?

In this blog, I went deep into discovery mode and wanted to share ways I have helped myself get out of these funks and ways I have coached others to get out of these funks. These tips and strategies can really help and I hope the next time you are finding yourself in a challenging time, you remember these tips to liven yourself up.

Tip #1


I am so serious about this one. Social media and your phone are great but here is the problem. If you are constantly connected, you are always on edge, always texting and email responding (it never stops) and tempted with social media. This can make a funk so much WORSE. You pop on social media and see Nancy doing something, somewhere fabulous with fabulous people, then you feel bummed. Social media is designed to not only share our lives with others but constantly put you in comparison mode. If you are constantly comparing what others are doing to what you are doing, this can worsen the funk or even create it. Take a break, turn the phone off and respond to no one. It helps!

Tip #2


Go get a massage, go to your favorite theater or show, just go DO SOMETHING that you love to do. Want to do something more extreme? Get out of town and take a trip. Sometimes when we are experiencing funks it’s because we have a lack of joy or we are working too much or the weather is sh*ty. Get out and live life. Even connecting with some great friends and having a game night could be just what you need to pull yourself out of said funk.

Tip #3


Listen, one thing I have learned as I got older was that if you don’t make me feel good or bring me joy I can’t be around you. I love being around positive people. I love being around people that have common interests as me. I mean, don’t you? If you are around people that suck your energy or are constantly complaining, think about distancing yourself from them. Being around people that are supportive and make you smile can make all the difference. Choose those people wisely and you will immediately see a shift. No, it’s not the easiest decision to make or follow through but can be the most rewarding.

Tip #4


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it AGAIN!!!! Exercise and movement is more than just physical. It’s all mental baby. Get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be extreme or in the gym but get outside, go for a walk, do SOMETHING. It can have a wildly good effect on the brain and that funk you are in. Double bonus? Get outside and move AND get some sunshine while you’re at it. Sunshine = vitamin D = improved mood. These are just facts.

Tip #5


Now this one is an interesting one but hear me out. Our bodies are so unique and very different from one another. I have tested my body multiple times to see what is good for it and what is bad for it. I’ve done hair samples, blood tests, poo tests…all of it!! The results are facinating.

Let me give you an example. When I did my first food allergy test, I found out I was sensitive to cow’s milk (dairy) and wheat. I essentially gave all that up for 2 years and received great results. My body tightened up, my mood improved, my skin cleared…all of it. Then I tested again, I didn’t have the allergies anymore. My body essentially reset itself! Now, that is not always the case but your body is amazing and if you take care of it the right way, it can work wonders.

Foods can and do affect our moods. When I go crazy with carbs and sugar, I am irritable, I am tired and I am grumpy aka on FULL FUNK MODE. I know this about myself so make sure to not over do it. Make it your mission to find out more about how your body works. Some tests you can do are Viome or Everlywell.

I hope these tips really helped you!! Thank you for checking out my blog and reading this. I am very passionate about helping others find themselves and improve their lives one tip at a time!

I am always welcome to reader feedback! You can contact me at info@samuelgegen.com

Have an amazing rest of your weekend!